Risk ‘n Roll

Risk ‘n Roll

Timing Perfect

God’s Order

Why Worry?

Since He Is Taller !

The Chaos About

The Murders Ensue

Nowhere To Run

But Only To You

Why Do You Let

Evil Run Amuck?

Why Do You Set

Saints To Be Plucked?

Rescue Us Now!

The Time Is Near

The Time Is Perfect

The Rapture Is Clear

Catch Us Up

Call Us Out

Bring Us Now

To You Above

The Great Hope

How Very Blessed

The World Is On Fire

All Dictators Wretched

The World Will Be

Upon Your Shoulders

Reign 1000 Years

Without A Soldier

Peace, Peace

Only Will Be Found

Enduring In Him

The King To Be Crowned

Gamble Your Money

Risk Your Life

But Spend Eternity

With Him In Sight

Don’t Lose This Bet

Do Bet Your Life

Counting On Someone

To Make It Right

He Is The Lord

All Under His Control

All Evil Works Out

For Good  – Roll.

He Is The Rock

The World Is Aflamed

Our Life Is In Balance

With Him No More Shame

Believe Him And Place

Your Life In His Hand

Wait, Watch And See 

Win Big – Understand!

rKw Jr 27.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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