Rethinking Gravity’s Cavity

Rethinking Gravity’s Cavity
Photo by Julia Volk on

So Simple A Way

To Escape The Grave

We Have A Gift

That Leads The Play

Events Orchestrated

Good Versus Bad

Evil Does Hold

The Upper Hand

Yet Temporary The Victory

The Prince Condemned

The Resurrection Proved

Death A Loss Indemned

But Crafty The Devil

His Only Spoil

Mitigate The Landscape

Blurr What Is Heard

Add To The Gospel

Make Some Confusion

Twist A Word

Repent Is An Illusion

Although In Bible

The Definition Torched

To Hell With High Marks

Nothing of More Distort

Repent is A Word

It Just Is Rethink

To Twist it Around

And Make People Blink

They Find A Nugget

Or Two in Bible

But Ignore Blindly

Faith’s 200 Verse Rival

Belief is The Key

A Message of Gravity

A Spiritual Opening

Into A Deep Cavity

Born Again The Result

Then We Can Get Cleaner

Each Day We Walk

The Holy Spirit Leads Us

But Sinners Still

To The Day of Glory

But Justified Now

By Faith His Real Story

rKw Jr 21.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly b 1965

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