Restate The Obvious

Restate The Obvious

The End Near

So They Say

How Could We Ever

Feel This Way?

Yet Time Vapors

We Are The Mist

Dust Of Air

Blinded By Twits

People Who Teach

We Are So Afraid

To Challenge Their Lies

The Truth Dismayed

Exposing The Liars

The Bible Command

Repeating The Same

Without Reprimand

We Have Little Time

Our Minds Are Filled

With Work, Family

Taxes Not Paid Still

We Can Fall Victim

To Repeated Lies

Over And Over

The Bigger The Cry

Easily Swayed

We Don’t Have A Chance

Seeds Planted 

We Walk In A Trance

Goodbye To Us

They Think They’ll Win

Yet God Removes Us

It’s His World To Spin

Occupied Territories

Evolution A Fact

Covid Vaccine

All Are Lies Stacked

Paraded Each Day

Ad Infinitim

A Coordinated Play

Repeated Writing

The Effects Astounding

The Globe Folds

People Believe

What’s Repeatedly Told

rKw Jr 11.01.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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