Reparations From God

Reparations From God

Spinning The World 

A Metaphor For Sure

Life Upside Down

Winning No More

Vulnerable And Stuck

Lucky To Live

All To Show Us

We Need Him

All Things Work 

Together In Time

Bringing Us To A Point

Of Needing – No Crime

We Shouldn’t Fight

Keeping Resisting

Why Not Surrender ?

See Who Wins

Our Pride Stands

We Won’t Budge

We Say Together

We Don’t Need Hugs

But God Is Love

The Real Comforter

Hearts Open

The Word Measures

The Word Is Life

It Gives Much Hope

Bringing New Life

Spiritually Awoke

It Goes To The Earth

From The Mouth Of God

Written Down

And Forwarded On

We Are Benefactors

Of His Grace

Allowing Us To Live

Together One Race


We Were All Slaves

Stuck In Bondage

Delivered Today

A Future Glory

Remains For All

Just Believe 

It Will All Resolve

Yet Faith Is Impossible

For Man Dead

His Spirit Lost

No Concept Bread

A Word Of Life

Necessarily Solvent

Breaking The Curse

Bankruptcy Of Men

Men Can Be Rich

Free And Love

All Things Desired

Found From Above

rKw Jr 12.07.21

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