Redeeming Time And Day

Redeeming Time And Day

Work Concluded

The Moment Now

Spent The Energy

Under Moon And Sun

Day And Night

Paul Did Mention

Keeping Hands Busy

Prevention Convention

Keeps You Healthy

Keeps You Rich

Keeps You Wealthy

Skilled And Ripped

Enough For Today

Grace Covers All

It’s Not My Goodness

For I Ever Fall

But We Are Made

In His Image

Let’s Redeem The Day

Get Busy With It

Find An Angle

Find An Edge

Hustle A Bit

See Where It Ends

Why Indulge

In Cultures Pit

The Lost 45’s

Have Long Quit

The Movies Today

Weekend Opening

All Care About

Scoring That Slogan

Not Meant For Ages

Disposable Images

The Sad Fact of Life 

We Waste Our Vestages

Life Shaped By

These Powerful Pulses

They Catch Us And Cry

“You Are Our Prisoner”

“We Shape The World”

“We Teach You Truth”

“We Lie Above All”

“Hell We Seduce”

Step Back and Ponder

Consider All Things

You Need To Know

Lies Disguised As Wings

It Is Not Freedom Giving

It Doesn’t Open Minds

It Distorts All Truth

Hollow Wood Enscribed

rKw Jr 9.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965 –

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