Redeeming The Day

Redeeming The Day

The Fading Day

It Had Much Hope

All The Time

Slips To A Scope

Now In Past

Lost Forever

Eternity Lasts

Opportunity Never

Never Again

The Day And Moment

Each Second Now

Eternity’s Solemn

A Chance

A Window

Wasting Away

Good News

Spent Lost

Spent Wickedly

Spent Idly

In The Arts

The Culture Shapes

References Plenty

Biblical Knowledge

In Total Obscurity

Blinded By Science

Blinded By Glamour

Blinded By Images

Brain Tremors

It Wish It Could 

But Regrets Abound

Never To See

Opportunity Sounds

Redeem The Day

Do One Thing

Eternally Buoyant

Heaven To Bring

Grow And Live

Reset Your Life

See The Truth

Though Lies Hide

Each Moment Eternal

Eternity In Nows

Emily Declared

It’s Yours To Be Found

rKw Jr 08.10.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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