Reading For Freedom

Reading For Freedom

What’s To Say

We Are Permitted

To Think Only

Never Witted

We Cannot Discuss

So We Don’t Learn

The God We Trust

Kept From The World

Is God True?

Is He Alive?

Is He All

Over The Lies?

These Are Things

We Need To Explore

But Cannot Begin

The Bible Is Deplored

Preslander and Filtered

Although The Best Seller

We Are Too Smart

To Investigate The Good Fella

What Are His Claims?

What Did He Do?

What Does He Offer?

If We Only Knew

Churches Even

Hide The News

Change It’s Dimension

Make Us Blue

But Salvation Free

Believe And Be Saved

All For Me

Freedom Today

Freedom From Hell

The Price of Sin

We Are All Fallen

Let’s Worship Him

He Did It All

He Came And Lived

A Perfect Life

Unblemished Offering

We Stand In Awe

Amazed At His Love

Covered Now By Grace

Sinners Yet Hugged

Justified By Faith

To His Amazing Grace

Redeemed From Earth

We Sit And Wait

He Is Coming Soon

And Will Avenge

He Is Not Playing Tag

The Chaos Will End

A 7 Remains

For Israel To Be 

They Will Finally

Worship Him From Galilee

Tribulation Period

Armaggedon’s Call

The World Will Fight

The End Resolves

He Will Rule

Reign From Jerusalem

We Will Help

Priests For Him

We Will Have Cities

To Sit And Govern

To Administer Justice

For A 1000 Years Wonder

Day One Of Eternity

Glorified And Free

The Ages To Come

Will See His Glory

rKw Jr 26.11.22

Robert Kelly born again 1993
An American Poet

today is the day of salvation

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