Reading Between The Lies

Reading Between The Lies



The Education

Only Told


Against The Wall


All The Call

Hear Our Words

We Speak In Tones

The Filth Amid

Our Only Drone

We Don’t Care

A Lost Generation

Degenerate And Dare

A Wicked Play Station

Alter the Mind

Expose And Develop

Drive And Suspend

Any Sense Or Teardrop

The Naked Lunch

When I Was The Greatest

The Dialogue Crass

The Purpose Wasted

Wasting Lives

Controlling Minds

The Future Closing

 Souls Diving

Falling Fast

Distortion Permanent

Did They Have A Chance?

The Weakest Firmament

Still Developing 

Still Learning

The Culture Streaming

The Lessons Turning

Abe Lincoln Spoke Somberly

Education So Vital

The Student Today Taught

Will Be The Government Tomorrow

The Bible Tossed

The New Age Here

Distort, Destroy, Kill

Oh, Young Minds Fear!

rKw Jr 09.09.21

Robert Kelly
Born 1965 –

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