Pride’s Bluff

Pride’s Bluff
Photo by Zack Melhus on

I’ll Never Admit

I’ll Never Say

What I Don’t Know

Guess Away

I’ll Say Yes I Do

I’ll Say That’s Correct

But Know’ll You Go

Right By And Forget

A Bluff Of Pride

It’s A Weapon Of Necessity

It’s What Comforted

My Lonely Insanity

As I Grew

I Would Feign

I Would Hide

If Exposed – Shame

As I Grew

I Liked My Chances

No One Cared

Of My Ignorant Advances

I Didn’t Know Much

But Seemed To Fit In

Just Whistling Past

The Curriculum

Never Discovering

Never Learning  

Never Wondering

What’s My Yearning

Events Occured

Must Have Been So

Intervention Sudden

Divine Episodes

Merciful God

Didn’t Let Me Decay

He Came To My Side

Showed Me The Way

I Met An Angel

Never Saw Him At All

But He Helped Me Over

A Fence 4 Feet Tall

An Angel Encamps

Over The Believer

He Is There in A Snap

A Twinkle – Your Retriever

In A Twinkle of An Eye

We Will Be Changed

In A Sudden Instant

Never The Same

Truths As These

Are Never Discovered

Unless We Grow

Take Off The Covers

We Cover Our Minds

We Cover Our Hearts

We Cover Our Eyes

When We Never Restart

We Need A Rebirth

We Need To Grow

We Need To See

Beyond the Ebb And Flow

We Have To Admit

We Have To See

We Have To Find God

The Miracle to Believe

The Supernatural Event

The Spirit Has Searched

Looking For Souls

Redeemed by The Word

So Take A Step Back

Admit You Are Empty

Admit You Need God

Stop Your Pride Mentally

Just Use Your Brain

The Greatest Gift

Fill It With Truth

You Eat And You Lift

Rise To Higher States

See The World Below

Recognize Your Need

Cross Over To the Show

Once You Are His

Life Is An Adventure

Growing Everyday

Finding True Pleasure

Sure There Are Trials

There Is Persecution

But Soar With Christ

Abundant Life – The Solution

rKw Jr 11.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly

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