Pride And Joy

Pride And Joy
Photo by Matheus Natan

The Defeat Is Reluctant

The Loss A Retreat

Few Will Do So

The Feat Of The Meek

How Beautiful Are the Feet

Of Those Who Share

The Good News A Message

To All Everywhere

Not All Will Hear

Not All Will Respond

Only By God

Will Life Be Spawn

Eternally Free

Eternally Forgiven

Eternally Life

All Granted Within Him

His Message Was Clear

The Urgency Clearer

Death Beckons Any Moment

Come To Me I’m Here

I Am the Hope

I Am the Resurrection

I Am Your Love

I Am Your Perfection

Believe In Me Today

Cross Over To Life

See What I Did?

Your Sin for My Stripes

We Have To Admit

We Are Not Perfect

We Are Fallen

Because Of Adam’s Circus

He Fell In The Garden

We Inherited His Nature

Not Perfect Not Ever

Yet Hope Never Nearer

Take The Offer

See It’s Value

Be Declared Righteous

He Is Calling You

Even Though Still Sinners

We Are Gracefully Covered

By Faith Our New Standing

The Law Demolished

He is Your Friend

He is Your Defender

He Is Your Advocate

Against Satan the Slanderer

The Devil Cannot Have Faith

He Cannot Surrender

He Cannot Be Saved

But We Have The Sovereign

He Is Our Refuge

He Is Our Joy

The World Fabricates

But He Restores

Arms Wide Open

His Voice Is Calling

His Sheep Today

Our Pride Stalling

We Don’t Like To Admit

Our Need Of Glory

But After A Bit

May You See The Story!

rKw Jr 03.07.21

Robert Kelly Poet b. 1965 –

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