Presto! A New Vision!

Presto! A New Vision!

Our Best Visions 

Are Godly Truths

Be Brave, Courageous

Words Of Repute

Positioned Well 

Do Remember

The Foxhole Presents

The Help Rendered

Jesus Sent

The Father Heard

The Spirit Comforts

The Soldier Stirred

The Hop In Step

A Black Cloud Disappears

The Jubilant Feeling

Effervescent Euphoria

God Of Joy

This Joy – Our Strength

Yet Trampled By Ideas

Don’t Make This Mistake

Ideas, People, Desires

Need To Be Sifted

Even The Good Ones

May Need Regifting

Take Time Out

Step On In

Ask For Help

 The Divine Kin

Jesus Our Brother

Blood Bought Soul

Carries Us Further

So Away Let’s Go

rKw Jr 09.11.22

Robert Kelly

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