President Kennedy’s Grand Hope

President Kennedy’s Grand Hope

President Kennedy

A Man With Hope

Mere Words Touched Us

But His Presence Spoke

His Smile Glittered

His Enduring Laugh 

His Eyes Glistened

Brought Us All Past

Past The Wars

Seeing The Good

Finding Peace

We Seemingly Understood

Man Could Achieve

If We Could Just Know

How The Good Inside

Would Overcome The Show

The Show Of Evil

Of Wars And Drugs

The Hope In Eternity

Starting With Love

Too Big A Threat

For After Jack

Robert Then Teddy

Would Alter The Stack

A Ray Of Hope

The Young Rascals 

Snuffed From The World

Enabling This Fiasco

Empowering Selfish Gain

Endless Corporate Schemes

Enslaving More People

The Civil War Freed

Robert William Kelly

rKw Jr 01.06.23

Robert William Kelly

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