Prequel Opportunity

Prequel Opportunity

The Coming

Is Strange

We Are Proud

Yet Tamed

The Last Event

We’d Ever Think

Is The Return

All To Drink

Taste And See

The Lord Is Good

The Marriage Supper

Now Understood

A Shadow Glimpse

Communion Feast 

God In Us

Today The Treat





Blind To World

No One Can See

The Earth Here

Heaven To Be

The Spirit Coming

Today The Day

Salvation Ready

A Word Away

Believe Something

Convince It’s True

Two Things

The Devil Reproves

Preventing All

Holding Back

Heart’s Circumcision

The Great Attack

The Spirit Moves

Accomplishes Words

The Penetrate Life

Saving Us Nerds

We Are Unworthy

Yet He Provides

Salvation So Free

The World Chides

How Can Anything

Be Free In Life?

Yet God Opened

Blood Bought Right!

rKw Jr 21.02.22

Robert William Kelly

American Poet

b 1965 – born again 1993

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