Preacher, Who Has Bewitched You?

Preacher, Who Has Bewitched You?
Photo by Rene Asmussen on

Yes Affirmed

The Truth Is 

The I Am

A Promise 

Yes To Death

We Are Ready


Escape Already

Face The Fear

Learn Of God

The Bible Says

We Are The Bod

He Cannot 

Punish Himself

Therefore The Rapture

Is True Utmost

Every Promise

A Yes In Jesus

Sealing Our Fate

We And Us!

Some Folks – Yawn

Think They Know

Yes” Us To Death

Tell Us Where To Go

Maybe They Think

Repent As Most Do

For It’s Taught

In Churches Here Too

The Biggest Lie

In World Today

Causing Most Trouble

Filling Hell – What Shame!

Prevents Us From Sharing

Keeps People Guessing

Everyone Is Confused

Gospel No Blessing

A Meaning Corrupted

To Make Good News Bad

To Tell You To Be

Sorry Of Sin – Mad!

But Remember The Truth

200 Salvation Passages

Saying Belief Is The Key

Even John Examines

The Gospel He Wrote

The Most Evangelical

It Is Given To Those

Know Not Jesus Well

But There Is No Word

Nothing Called Repentance

In John’s Gospel

Why Are We Pretending?

Enslaves The Unbelievers

Giving Unfair Task

They Go Running

Approached So Fast

The Message Is Blurred 

The Message Is Changed

The Gospel Foolish

To Anyone With A Brain

We Don’t Have To Cry

Or Feel Sorry

We Don’t Need To Change

To Enter His Glory

Esau and Judas

Both Cried With Regret

Remorse Recorded

Yet “Repentance” Forget

For Tears Are Never

Repentance At All

So Stop Trying to Scare

People Into A Fall

Repentance Is Simply

Believe – A Synonym

Interchanged By Bible

As If On A Whim

We Don’t Need To Clean Up

Our Lives Right Now

The Apostle Paul

Ready To Kill, Pow!

Paul Was Knocked Down

Blinded Yet Saw

Jesus Is Real

The Resurrection No Flaw

The Thief At The Cross

Never Cried At All

Recognized Jesus 

Saved By His Call

We Do Need Faith

We Do Need To Believe

Just Rethink Jesus

So Why Deceive?

No Preconditions

It’s A Spiritual Awakening

When We Believe

The Spirit Overtaking

It’s The Holy Spirit

He Does The Work

He Makes Us Holy

Leads Us First

But We Are Still Sinners

Saved Nevertheless

Covered By Grace

His Favor Meritless

Seen As Perfect

Because Of The Lamb

His Blood Covers

Everywhere I Stand

I Am Redeemed 

By His Great Work

Thats Why It’s Faith

Settles The Curse

Faith Has Value

For No One Could Survive

If They Had To Be Perfect

Always So Provide

So Repentance Taught

The Pit Of Hell

Distorts Faith Salvation

Renders It A Shell

A Slight Twist Of Emphasis

Turns Into A Monster

For Belief Only Now

Now A Fire Dumpster

For Repentance Taught As Such

Adding To The Gospel

Cannot Save At All

So Do Everything To Repel

Treasure The Real Gospel

The Real Meaning Of Repent

Just Change Mind About Jesus

Believe Him That Heaven Sent

rKw Jr 23.05.21

Robert Kelly poet b 1965

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