Prayer For A Poor Nation

Prayer For A Poor Nation
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A Nation That Prays

Must Pray To God

It Must Be Certain

He Is Above

For The Nations Are Judged

In This Short Life 

While People Weighed

In The Next Frame Of Time

Time Elapses

We All Die

Nations Rise

And Fall, Why?

God Raises Up

For His Purpose

He Is Sovereign

So Acknowledge His Person

The Kings Of The Earth

Take Counsel Against The Lord

Their Rulers Likewise

All Against In Accord

Knowing God Exists

It Seems They Notice

For Why Attack 

Something Foolish?

Yet Today How Poor

Our Nation – The Slayer

We Don’t Even Mention Him

With Our Day Of Prayer

The Nation Forgets

God And His Power

Pussyfoots A Prayer

Pretending To Honor

Poor Nation – Laughed At

Will God Remember?

When It Turns And Cries

To Heal And Make Better

Trust In God

The Ruler of Rulers

The Lord of Lords

The Host of Hosts

Blessed Are All They that Put Their Trust In Him

Do We Trust Him?

Do We Know Him?

Do We Adore Him?

Do We Believe In Him?

rKw Jr 08.05.21

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