Planet Sickness

Planet Sickness

We Eat Good

We Eat Bad

We Exercise Much

We Forget Fast

The Body Built

The Body Nourished

The Body Fades

The Soul Perishes

The Life Over

It Goes Quick

End – Setting

The Wise Sift

Discover And Find

Grow And Learn

Uncover And Dig

The Lessons Turn

Planet Sickness

The Fallen State

The Being Lost

Our Minds Waste

The Cursed Creation

A Rescue Mission

Hell Avoided

Heaven Kissing

All Issues

All Problems

Arise From The Fall

Souls Stolen

Grave Danger

Each One Emerges

Through Times

Valley Skirmishes

We Walk The Plank

Our Lives In Limbo

Who Is Now Great

We Stumble

Jesus Came

As Prophesized

The Escape Made

Lives Redemptified

Payment Paid

Blood Bought

Everyone Saved

The Believing Crop

Save The Earth

For It Will Be Destroyed

Not By Man

God The Word

rKw Jr 17.11.21

Robert Kelly

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