Pivoting Beyond Our Toe Jams

Faster Connection

We Feel So Alone

Lost In The Whirlwind

How Do We Flow?

Which Way Is Up

Good Is Bad

Bad Is Good

Music Is Rad

Play The Organ

But Not For Jesus

Haleluia Rolls

But Minus Receiver

How We Have Lost

That Wonderful Promise

We Saw At A Glimpse

No Divinity Clouds Us

Railroaded By Powers

Spirits In The Sky

Principalities Discovered

Our Souls Should Hide

Take Refuge In God

His Son Overcame

Then You Will Discover

The Life With No Pain

We Will Struggle

Fail, Fall For Sure

We Will Overcome

More Than Conquerors

The New Life

Is Eternal In Length

A Place Promised

With No Smiles Faked

No Pain

Healing Aflame

Comforting Memories

Hell Will Abstain

We Will Be Grateful

But Even Now

Thanks Without Ceasing

RecommendedLet’s Bow!

You Have A Connection

But Better Than That

It is To The Greatest Being

He Lives For Each Hat

His Wish His Body

That Would Be Us

Would Realize He Is Present

In Each Person Trust

The Father There Too

He Lives Amidst

Have Resurrection Power

To Go Beyond The Mist

rKw Jr 25.05.21

Poet Robert Kelly b1965

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