

Light and Breezy

We Sometimes Are

Burdens Nowhere

To Be Found

Happy We Are

The Life Is Great

All Is Apart

Of Your Joyful State

Giddy And Fun

Touching Everyone

Having A Thrill

The Day All Done

Something Happens

We Are Overburdened

The Bounce In Step

Suddenly Uncertain

It May Be Minor

It May Be Major

The Shift In Our Minds

We Are On A Crater

The Shadow Of Life

It Shows Us Much

Gives Us A Glimpse 

Heaven No Hunch

Our Grief Here Now

Will Turn To Joy

The Burden Soon Lifted

Just Hear His Voice

Come Up Here

Enjoy Your Place

Eat At The Banquet

Let’s Return In Haste

Riding With God

Across The Galaxy

Glorification State

No More Vanity

Ruling And Reigning

With God The Son

With An Iron Fist

He Who Overcomes

The Future Bright

The Present Dark

So Don’t Be Upset

If Depression Parks

You Should Just Consider

And Understand A Bit

The Book of Revelation

Is Unfolding Real Quick

He Is Returning

The Rapture Imminent

Rejoice! And Again!

The Joy Is Emminent

We Endure The Curse

The Fallen Creation

Working So Hard

For The Duration

He Endured The Cross

No Staycation

All For Our Lives

Our Vacation

Yet Heaven Beckons

Eternity Looms

The Days So Short

Depressions Gone Soon

rKw Jr 13.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965-

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