Out Of Amherst

woman in blue dress standing on green grass field
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels.com
woman in blue dress standing on green grass field
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels.com

Enjoying Life

The Best Thing To Do

Learn To Marvel

At All Around You

Emily Found It 

She Knew What Was Special

The Creation Signifying

The Creator Is Forever

She Wrote Of Botany

She Was A Genius

Not Only In One Field

But Many – She To Us

She Discounted Pretensions

What People Adulized

Discovering Friends

Among Lands And Hives

She Noted Duly

Carlo Assented

Why Life Astounded

And How To Spend It

Careful To Protect

Her Orbit De Amherst

She Wrote For Fun

Wonders Displayed At Rest

Her Writings Vivacious

Full Of Much Vitality

She Wrote As A Victor

Via Much Sentimentality

She Vectored Her Scope

It Ventured To Eternal

A Timeless Machine

Over Affairs Nocturnal

She Saw God As Present

Unto Thee ? Me ?

Occupy My House

“Pardon” Replied Kindly

Fingertips On Pages

Of Scripture Ready

To Quote And Reference

Her Discoveries Aplenty

Dictionary Her Friend

Her Family All Present

Housework Rendered

For Father’s Treasure

Amherst Founded

A Balance To Harvard

All Amherst Welcome

All Knew Another

Brother Austin And Sue

Neighbors To West

Not Far At All

Evergreen Abreast

Mabel Edited 

So Grateful For Her

She Was A Scholar

History Amore

Lavina The Sister

She Was Quite Alert

Mother Or Sister

Never Desert

She Discovered The Fascicles

Begged Mabel Loomis Todd

To Please Read – Edit

Then Print Them Somehow

Writ In Lady’s Drawer

Made Summer For All

Inspired By God

Wrung From The Fall

Emily Like The Ballerina

Who “Clawed At The Air

Everything And Nothing

Assenting – Her Flair

Who Wrote Better ?

Even To This Day

Economy Of Words

Dudumous In Play

Who Can Compare ?

To Emily’s Power

Of Course Scripture

We Cheating Now

photo of child reading holy bible
Photo by nappy on Pexels.com

The Bible Inspires

The Word Is Life

It Gives Eternally

Freely Tonight !

Emily Wasn’t Afraid

To Mine The Bible

She Discovered Herself

Why There Is No Rival

So Today Her Life

The Message I See

Is To Read For Yourself

Don’t Hesistate Please

See God Is Good

He Is Merciful

He Is Caring

Savior Wonderful

He Makes It Easy

He Knows We Are Dust

We Cannot Be Perfect

So In Him Trust

Read – You Have Time

Live Forever Free

Today Is The Day

To Finally See

The Cross He Endured

His Blood Satisfied

So Don’t Worry 

You Will Qualify

For He Did It All

God In The Flesh

He Absorbed The Wrath

So Cross Today Fast

Once We Do

We Are Under Grace

Covered Front-Back 

Swimming In Space

Jump In Now

The Water Is Fine

Baptized By The Spirit

Believing Is Sublime

You Are Justified

You Have Been Covered

Standing Now Assured

Full Confidence Under

For We Can Approach

God Now In Victory

Jesus Is The Mediator

He Gives Us The Remedy

He Is Our Defender

Against The Adversary

Speaking To God For Us

The Accuser – A Canary

We Can Look Up

We Don’t Need To Hide

But Without Reading Bible

We Never Know How – Why

For The World Is Satan’s Now

And Under His Sway

Conventional Wit Towers

Never Read The Bible – Nay

But Food For The Soul 

That Is What Is Needed

We Don’t Live On Bread Alone

But Nutrients Of Him – Seeded

We Are Missing Something

In This World Of Plenty

The Word Of God Is Life

Grab It Then Come Get Me

We Can Discover Together

Read The Verses Alone First

Then Together Aloud

See What Pops Forth

Go To Salvation Passages

To Square It All Away

Make Sure You Understand

This Heaven Is Free – Always

The Bible Is Slandered

The Message Clouded

It’s Not A List Of Don’ts

It’s A Message Shrouded

Let It Speak To You

The Mysteries Unfolded

The Glaring Testimonies

Are There To Beholden

The Discoveries Are Personal

But For Your Treasure

We Can Soar Above

This Veil Of Tears Forever

God Claims He Is Jealous

Of You At This Moment

If That Doesn’t Move You

The Ear Hears In Silent

Hairs On Head Numbered

He Knows Where You Are

Knows When You Sleep 

The Trouble – Near And Far

He Can Intercede

With A Thought Into Mind

Or Send An Angel

To Snatch You In Time

A Man Plans In His Heart

On Which Way To Go

God Determined His Steps

Where He Should Grow

Lead Me – Guide Me

The Psalmist Prayer

Not My Will But Yours

Is Best – As Jesus Dared

So There Is Hope 

Abundant Life Now

Feeding On Him

Emily Found The Hour

rKw Jr 17.04.21

Robert William Kelly Jr b. 1965

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Email: bob@robertkellypoetry.Com