Our Vanity Affair

Our Vanity Affair
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio


A Necessary Function

End Of Day or Life

Transformative Junctions

Heaven Or Earth

Our Days Spent

The Life Over

We Just Feel Bent

So Soon So Quick

The Life Does Fade 

Rising Up Each Morning

To Face The Day

In Vain Man Lives

In Vain Early Rises

In Vain He Strives

For Better Horizons

God Is Beckoning

His Call Is Sure

Don’t Waste Time

Living To Ignore

Goodness Done

Yet Leaves A Note

For Why Do Good

If Heaven Demotes?

There Is None Good

No Not One

As Far As Salvation

Completely Undone

The Standard Is Gold

Total Perfection

We Fall Short

Facing Discrection

God Doesn’t Judge

On A Curve

Let’s Make A Deal

Is Not The Word

The Word Is Freedom

The Word Is Saved

Born First Free

The Encore Paved

Just  Believe 

Today Is Day

We Can Cross Over

No Wrath No Way 

The Penalty Absorbed

Now Stands A Pardon

The Wrath Endured

Jesus From The Garden

Eden Superceded

A Place Looms Adorned

New Jerusalem Descending

Golden Streets Adored

We Troubleshoot

We Work So Long

Yet No Work At All

Brings Heaven Down

rKw Jr 19.06.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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