Our Job Today

Our Job Today

The Apple A Fruit

We Love To Eat

It Helps Us Keep 

The Doctor Asleep

Adam Ate 

Eve Gave

Man Fell

We All Pay

Born Under The Fall

A Wicked Condition

Not Really Our Fault

But The Pickle We Are In

The Resurrection The Cure

Provided By God

Talked About By Job

Even Before Lot

Job Mentions Flesh

Will See God

He Talks About Life

After Death Alot

He Mentions Hope

Looks Forward To When

His Body Will Change

He Was Born Again

Jobs Another

Steven His Name

He Died And Left

The World Apple Fame

Sin Or Siri

A Play On Vista

Safari Or Satan

The Game Blistered

Will Jobs Resurrect

Like Job Understood

Who Had More Wisdom ?

The Two Did Much Good

But Goodness Insufficient

Payment Will Bounce

Our Merit Meaningless

To Satisfy The Crown

God Himself

Provided The Slaughter

He Was The Goat

Who Bled For Our Wonder

rKw Jr 28.07.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965

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