Our Eruption

Our Eruption

The Mind Simmers

Encroached At Edge

The Life Withers

All Comes To Head

Minor Issue

Response Disproportionate

Damage Tongued

Reckless Abandon

Fiery Venom Unfurled 

The Target Indiscriminate

The Words Hurled

Nor Enemies Nor Friends

We Overcook

We Do Not Resolve

Nor Do We Understand

Why Outbursts Evolve

Selfish Greed

Unrequited Ambition

Vanquished Love

Combining In Derision

Lost Identity

Forgotten God

Dusty Bible

Minds Dislodged

Folly Paid

Ransomed And Spent

Mortgaged Future

Death Vow Vent

Self Respect Hollow

Forgiveness The Object

Considering God

His Mercy Project

rKw Jr 30.03.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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