Good Friday Poetry: Our Easter Crisis 2021

human standing beside crucifix statue on mountain
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Who Are We – Now, Then ?

Attended the Best Schools

Some Pride – Yet Braggadocious

No April Fool

We Identified With Cities

Our Country – Our Banner

Sports Teams Rooted On

Yet, Did It Really Matter ?

Dressing Somewhat AlikeĀ 

Laughing At Similar Jokes

Wanting To Stand Out – Not

The Proud Talk Of Folks

Leading Our Lives Together

Following The Lost Pack

For We Never Learned Alone

The Secret Plan Of Attack

We Trained To Consider

What Was Fed To Us

But To Investigate Further

Required A Soulful Lust

The Soul is Eternal

All About Me And He

It Lives Once – Forever 

Truth Is What It Needs

The Deceiver – Fooling Us

A Slight Of Hand Of Self

To Identify Quick and Fast –

In Anything But God Himself

A Temporary Ruler 

Placing The Net Wide

To Steal, Kill And Destroy

Today He Never Even HidesĀ 

Never Even Knowing What’s Right

The Lyric Taunts On

“Nobody’s Putting Up A Fight”

Hell’s Bells – The Correct Song

For If We Don’t Read The Bible

The Days We Have Are Useless

Sure You Can Still Find God

But Chances Are So Long – Stupid

“In Vain A Man Wakes Up Early”

The Good Word Does Declare

If God Is Not A Wonder

The Wasting Years Are Here

The Story Told – PreslanderedĀ 

Hollywood Defines It’s Rival

The god of This Age Is Hidden

Scoffed And Mocked – Our Bible

All The World – Swayed 

We Lived On Automatic

Did We Have Free Minds

Programmed By The Satanic ?

Jesus Will Come Back And Fight

A Wimpy God – Who Calls ?

But The Foe Appears Relentless

Blinding Our Original Fall

The Victory Remains Today !

Once and For All – It Stays

Our Soul’s Final Redemption

For All At Once- Amazing Grace

Our Identity Reborn – Resurrected

The Bible Opened – The Need

Rethinking Who We Really Are

Now Thankful For Christ’s Deed !

rKw Jr 02.04.21