Oswald’s Stake

Oswald’s Stake

The Mission Completed

The Fix In

The Ruse Rosie

Blood Wins

Fear The Driver

The Power Play

The Mightiest Event

Gambled In Play

Assassinate The President

Nip The Buds

Three Kennedy Looming

The Terror Hub

Boston The Town

The Call Of Yore

Tar And Feathering

Lyndon And Hoover

The Public Gushes

The Family Safe

The Lure To Texas

Gunpowder Awaits

The Coverup Hides

A Patsy Needed

Found In Time

Lee Treated

Though He Saved

Kennedy Twice

CIA Discovered

A Mole Thrice?

A Hero Never Known

Today He Is Remembered

To Take On A Role

For His Country’s Tender

Assigned To Russia

The Double Agent

Marrying Russian

A Called Back Gent

Robert Kennedy Advised

Another Detail

New Orleans Dispatched

Marcello’s Tail

Familiar With The Land

The Layout His

Reporting For Duty

To Highest Office

His Duty A Threat

A Powerful Informant

A Patriotic Hero

Died For His President

The Action So Public

A Message Sent

The Rest Quiet

Or Be Rendered Dead