Opening The Letter

Opening The Letter

The Open Letter

Sealed With His Love

Sealed By The Spirit

Sealed Soul Above

A Message Now

Of Long Ago

Men Who Spoke

The Mystery Told

The Place  – The Temple

The Temple – The Body

The Residence God

Sealed Soul Army

The Battle His

Mine To Avenge

We Live Now

To Watch His Revenge !

Enemies Of God

Who Hate The Truth

Who Run All Day

Reveling In Groups

Group Identity

Away From Christ

Splits The World 

A Divisive Sight

Satan’s Ploy

To Anger Another

To Care No More

Only Selfish Brothers

Distracted And Busy

Unable To See Here

God –  His Love

The Letters Everywhere

Creation Creates

His Fingerprint Seen

The Creator Speaks

To Us At The Scene

The Bible Literally

Has Words To Read

Letters Indeed

Yet We Are Too Keen

Proud We Are

We Refuse To Learn

Won’t Even Open

Love Letter Sown

It Comes Preslandered

So Why Bother One Bit?

Why Read Bad News?

All Know That’s It

Yet God Shows Mercy

He Knows We Are Dust

He Redeems Us Here

Believe Only A Must

How Hard Is That?

But Faith A Miracle

The Word Going Forth

Softening Hard Particles

The Heart – Dark

The Mind – Lost

The Spirit – Dead 

Yet God – Fought

He Is The Way

He Provides Life

The Heart Resuscitates

The Mind Relights  

rKw Jr 19.07.21

Robert Kelly b. 1965 –

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