Oil Spoils

Oil Spoils
Photo by Ekaterina Belinskaya


Non Toxic



The Earth Makes

The Earth Supplies

From God’s Hand

So We Won’t Die

Not From Fossil Fuels

A Wonderous Scam

Who Concocted 

Took Money And Ran

No Other Way

To Charge The Earth

Keep People Warm

Not Hungry For Dirt

Nuclear A Good Idea

Yet Riddle With Foes

Who Hate To See

People Free In Windows

The Truth Is Clear

The Power Wannabes

Take More And Steal

The Life Of Everybody

Global Warming Hoax

Climax Change Ruse

All To Get The World

Under One Roof

The Batteries Of Solar

Huge Carbon Footprint

Springing Up Everywhere

“A Nothing To See” Stint

Move Along

Don’t Notice

Do As We Say

All To Control Us

For the Greater Good

A Shot In Dark

The Chances Long

All A Black Mark

Trust Us

We Know

The Truth Hidden

So Just Go

Don’t Ask Questions

Don’t Read 

Don’t Listen

Just Heed

Power Of Lust

Lust Of Power

All For Lust

This Fleshly Hour

rKw Jr 13.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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