Monday’s Poem: Nothing Doing – Doing Nothing

serious adult woman with open book on street against facade of old building in university
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

The Cost Of Nothing

It Is So Expensive

If We Never Do Much

We End Up Dead – Whistling

We Are Built To Move

Build And Grow

If We Are Not Creative

Our Minds Slow

Enter Depression

Don’t Understand Why

See Things Happening

Sit – Slide – Cry

Must Learn To Risk

Take A Chance Of Loss

If Things Don’t Work Out

Find Another Ring To Toss

Work – Relationships – Hobbies

They All Need a Wager

Skills Developed – Honed

Time The Treasure

A Risk – Treasure – Discovery

For Us To Really Ponder

Did God Really Come ?

Conquer Death – A World Wonder

The World Is Fallen

That Is Very Clear

We Are Subject To Death

Any Moment, Any Year

With That As A Backdrop

We Must Investigate

If There Is A Way

For Us To Levitate

The Most Important Job

Is It Possible To Know ?

We Should Ponder And Examine

What Claims Out There Do Glow

Do We Never Even Consider

The Bible and Its Prophecies ?

Through Alexander the Great

His Septuagint – the Delicacy

Conquering The World to Greek

Alexander Hellenized Palestine

The Messianic Predictions

Lo – Benchmarked in Time

300 years BC – Given

Faith – Messiah – Intellectual

For Isaiah, Hosea and Micah

All Give Proof – Verifiable

A Nazarene – Isaiah

Out Of Egypt – Hosea

From Bethlehem – Micah

From Galilee – Isaiah

Hebrew Prophecies Located

Are There For Us To Examine

Did One Man Ever Fulfill ?

If So, He is God – And Man

The Cost Of Doing Nothing

Leaves Us With Nothing Doing

We Need To See What’s Up

Is Heaven A Brewing ?

Did God Really Rise ?

From The Grave For Humankind

Did God Become A Man ?

A Lamb For You And I

Is The Bible Real ?

Can We Know For Sure ?

Is It Really Good News  

For Us To Unblure ?

Paralyzed – Don’t Need To Be

We Can Read Ourselves

Neutralized Is What Is Scary

No Examining Of Heaven – Hell

We End Up Doing Nothing

Never Reading A Single Thing

We Think We Are So Smart

The Empty Box – Our Fling

We Have Surfacy Knowledge

Distorted To Us Here

But Dig A Little Further

Salvation is Free – So Clear

Yet We Rather Not Read

We Have Been Scared Off

Tricked Into Thinking

God Will Forgive Us Not

We Are Freed – Front and Back

Past – Future Sins – Covered

Grace Doesn’t See Our Sin

Mercy Of Jesus – Brother

But This Message is Stifled

Good News Never Understood

Ignorant We Marshall On

Til Death If We Would

We Are Lulled To Sleep

Yet Think We Are Bright

Ignorance Is Bliss

But Expensive – So Fight !

The Spirit Penetrates Our Haze

The Word Is Life Each Day

God Redeems His People

From Their Darkened Ways

A Miracle Of Faith Occurs

We Are Born Again

Intellectual Assent or Not –

We Are Now His Friend !

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