Not Very Christian

Not Very Christian

The Church Infiltrated

The Gospel Is Stolen

Changed And Mutilated

Many Souls Are Swollen

Things Taught To Unbelievers

Are Twisted Around

Should Be To Believers

The Lost Still Bound

Seduction And Tricking

Deceiving And Fooling

The Enemy Of Man

The Mind Noodling

Twisting And Contorting

Words And Meanings

Context And Context

Left Without Reading

Repentance A Word

Still Misunderstood

Most Churches Right Now

Uphold The Wrong View

Misdirecting The Sinner

Causing Him Harm

By Confusing The Gospel

Leading Salvation Alarmed

Unsure Of Safety

The Lost Continue

Away From Jesus

Disturbed More Than Two

The Gospel Is Life

The Bible Also

Just Preach It Right

The Sinner Follows

Dividing The Word

Is Very Essential

Dispensational Distinctions

Bring Home The Potential

The Word Is Life

It Goes Forth

It Brings Salvation

Let It Do It’s Work

The Kingdom

Offered To Israel

Is Different Than

The Church’s Deal

Repentance Today

Is So Misunderstood

We Are Losing The Fray

And Causing No Good

Telling The Sinner

To Jump Through Hoops

Instead of Believing

We Fumble The Truth

Are We Saved?

Us Who Distort

We Should Be Ashamed

We Will Give Report

Only Faith In Christ

Can Save A Soul

Repentance Is Synonymous

With Faith Our Goal

Rethink Yahweh

He Is The Savior

Available Now

Live Today, Forever

rKw Jr 13.01.22

Robert Kelly b 1965 A Christian Poet

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