No Less of A Blessing

No Less of A Blessing

What Happened To Bless

I Do Not Know

When We Sneeze 

Is All We Know

Bless Is A Word

We Wink And Laugh

Never Really Consider

It’s God Best Blast

He Blesses Us Daily

Yet We Ignore

Trained By Satan

To Sleep And Snore

No One Can Talk

No One Can Think

No One Compares

Notes On His Ink

The Bible Exists

It’s Truly A Miracle

Testifiably True

Proving Immutable

Above The Debate

Settled In Law

Only The Reprobate

Change The Song

Salvation Is Present

At Your Fingertips

In The Bible

On Your Lips

Confessing – Believing

God Is The Savior

Seeing He Died

For Our Misbehavior

Our Greatest Lie 

Is To Cheat Ourselves

To Be Dishonest

Conduct Unbecomes

When We Say

We Don’t Sin

We Place A Lie

Between Soul and Him

If We See 

We Are Doomed

Then We Find

We Can Make Room

Rethinking Jesus

Is All Repentance Is

Admitting You Need

The Glory Missing

rKw Jr 27.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965 –

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