Never Say “Never Mine!”

Never Say “Never Mine!”
Photo by James Lee

Heard But Unlistened 

Spoken But Not Said

Words Flow Around

Over And Through Heads

We May Avoid Attention

Something Of Distraction

We Miss A Key Sentence

Disappearing Reaction

Points Not Digested

Thoughts Not Expressed

Although Given Soundly

The Air Steals Spirit

The Minds Blinded

The Soul Empty

The Fool Continues

As Humpty Dumpty

No Excuse Ever

Yet Never Bother

Never See God

Never Wonder

Connect The Dots

Creation Exists

Creator Must Be

Around, Above – Wits

We Outsmart Ourselves

Think Way Too Much

Loving God With Mind

Is A Great Way To Start

Honor His Presence

His Dying And Rising

All For Us

We Should Be Crying

Tears Of Thanks

For This Free Gift

Never A Better

Holiday Given

rKw Jr 18.06.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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