My Favorite Diet

My Favorite Diet

The Hunger Remains

The Body Speaks

The Growling Now

Our Mind Sneaks

Food Is The Answer

Yet The Mind The Guardian

Why Put Something

Bad Into The Oven?

Eat Well Not Hard

It Simple To Do

Start Your Day Right

A Fruit Combo Is Good

Apples And Pineapples

Along Comes Cantelope

Giving You Power

To Eat Well And Have Hope

Four Hours Each Morning

A Sugar Supply

The Fruit Gives A Detox

Everyday Sunrise

Hummus And Thin Bread

Garlic Flavor Good

For Your Heart

Small Portions Brood

The Body Loves

Chick Peas Flow

Nicely Into System

Nutrients Bestow

Saying No Now

Is Your Secret Power

No Cream And Sugar

No Kit Kat Bar Horror

Eat Well And See

The Pounds Rescind

Two Pounds Per Week

Now You Will Win

rKw Jr 30.01.22

Robert Kelly

b 1965

A Christian Poet

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