My Bag, Your Bag

My Bag, Your Bag

The Day Offers

Each Moment Eternal

Yet We Discover

Our Lives In Turmoil

Do We Go

It All Alone

Do We Forget

God On His Throne

Why Not Remember

Your Creator At Last

Forgive And Forget

Yourself And Your Past

This Life Is Compromised

So Don’t Worry Too Much

Victory and Success Seen Only

In Christ The Savior’s Lust

He Cared For You

He Went The Extra Extra

He Painfully Died

For Our Welfare Adventure

Walking With Him

He Is Our Life

The Lover Of Our Soul

Bought With Price

Our Lives Not Ours

Now We Do See

A Greater Purpose Forever

The Ultimate Victory

So Look To Him

Not To Your Friends

Not To The Culture Norm

The Dissolving Tattered End

Rule And Reign

With Christ Above

Glorified With Bodies

Through Walls Walk Love

We Can Become

Forever And Ever Free

Living In Glory

Liberty, Freedom In He

Our Enemies Reserved

For Heat And Humidity

The World On A Curve

Bent To Fire’s Liquidity

rKw Jr 28.08.21

Robert Kelly Born 1965-

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