Mocking All Birds

Mocking All Birds

Blowout Bloodbath

The Political Scene

The Election Over

Losses Obscene

CRT Pushed

To Power Grab

Hung On You

All To Stab

Stab, Kill, Twist

Another Story Wooed

The Silent Majority

Overcame The Taboo

Governor Virginia Blue 

Red State Victory

Biden Carried

The Nation’s Story

Minnesota Stalled

Police Thin And Blue

Defund Them Now

The Polls Wouldn’t Do

The Parents Not Told

What Kids Are Taught

Books Flooded 

With Racism Fraught

To Kill A Mockingbird

A Title Sewn

The Title Is Chief

All That Resounds

Resonating Title

The Lesson Taught

When Graduation Comes

Orders Fought

Follow And Kill

Any Thought Against

The Indoctrination Received

All Evil Intent

Operation Mockingbird

Aim At The Target

The Minds of The Independent

The Undecided Lot

They Sway Elections

For Everyone Knows

Goldwater 40 Percent

No Matter Who Shows

Similarly McGovern

The Base Will Support

Anyone With 40%

The Zombie Alert

To Prevent All 

From Thinking Themselves

Killing The Mockingbird

The Programming Paramount

1619 vs. 2021

Mocking The Game

Let’s Go Brandon

Has Won This Day

rKw Jr 04.11.22

Robert Kelly b 1965

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