Moby Pricked

The Craft Honed

The Pen Flows

The Ink Spills

The Word Kills

Souls Stolen

Minds Seared

Artistic Achievement

The End Is Near

Shakespeare Feigns

The Audience Absorbs

The Truth Feints

Attention Reverbs

Moby A Name

Dick His Cause

Omitted A Job

Shakespearean Gauze

Ismael sleeps

An unknown man

Queequeg Tall

Do We Understand

What’s in A Name?

Always Applied

Queer Sounding

Married His Bride

Ishmael Wicked

Wild Ass Of Man

Ahab The Worst

King In The Land

Ishmael Bows

The Idol His God

Weighs Jesus

Tosses Him Out

The Agenda Simple

Anti-Christian Prose

No Epic Novel

Same Old Story Told