Message In A Battle

Message In A Battle

The Hypocritical Christian

A Finger Pointed

The Bible Thumped

Friendship Thwarted

Abusing People

Condemning All

Hating Everyone

Appearing To Fall

Always Showing

His Good Side

Hiding From Others

What’s Inside

The Perception Clear

The Guilty Christian

Going Nowhere

Believing In Fear

No Truth To Dispell

All Fairy Tales

We Do Ignore

Content With Our Stare

Yet Another Look

To See Again

Most Christians Do

Forget Grace My Friend

Not Even To Broach

The Subject At Hand

Death Eternity

The Third Rail Man

The Father Himself

Must Draw Us

To Find Truth

Discover The Must

You Must

Only Be

Born Again

The Spirituality

Saved At A Moment

Forever Redeemed

Even Though Still

A Sinner Indeed

rKw Jr 06.04.22

Robert Kelly Born 1965

A Christian Poet

born again 8-6-1993

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