Melville’s Moby Bank

Melville’s Moby Bank

Moi be Dick,

Queer cog sleeps.

Share the bed,

cannibal weeps.

Ahab evil,

Ishmael lost.

God unrecognized,

by His Cost

Chasing down

revenge mine!

An angry whale,

God’s fierce kind

Call me a male

Is that alright?

Timeless wonder

seeds planted at night.

Consuming, presuming

occupational hazards

All faculties engaged,

What does it matter?

Murdering the blues,

The objective

More Than Conquerors

Bible So Says

Risk dare,

adventurous And storms.

The weather dread

Paid off to perform.

The secret to Moby

Is to chase Him full

God the struggle

We wrestle until wooed

What’s in a name

Melvilles metaphors

Do they include Moby Dick

The sperm troubador?

rKw Jr 012.04.22

Robert Kelly

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