Meet Me In Saint Cloud

Meet Me In Saint Cloud
Photo by stein egil liland on

Flash-Twinkle Gone

The World is Now Alone

God Has Rescued

His Bride And He Are Gone

Warnings Did Exist

Lessons Plainly Learned

Noah and Lot Saved

Wrath by Rain and Burn

Keep You From The Hour

Or Time To Come

Told Each Rendering

Safely Then and Now

Comforted With Words

Since There is Trouble

Taking Out of Way

God Cannot Harm Double

For Jesus Died For Us

He Took Upon The Wrath

To Make Peace With Us

No Double Shellack

Jeopardy Twice Not Fair

Since Jesus Paid the Price

The Wrath of God Endured

By His Back – the Stripes

The Blood Was Shed

Scapegoat Human

A Perfect Sacrifice

God – The True Man

So He Must Now Rescue

The Church From The Wrath

If They Had To Suffer

Double Jeopardy Attack

So Don’t Stand By Yourself

In Your Righteousness

Gladly Take the Offer

Under Grace’s Covetousness

For God Does Love You

He Is a “Jealous” God

He Can Covet You

And It’s No Fraud

Grace Does Cover

Grace Does Covet

His Will Is Done

Who Doesn’t Know It?

The World Doesn’t

It Thinks God is Away

Thinks God Is Sleeping

Or Doesn’t Care Today

But “Today is the Day

The Day of Salvation

Anyone Can Come

Belief in The Royal Nation

For Under Him

The Government Will Rise

On His Shoulders

We Shouldn’t Be Surprised

If We Learned Our Lessons

We See His Word Is Done

All the World Centers

Around God and His Son

Jerusalem Still the Focus

The Apple of God’s Eye

The World Stumbles Over

The One Crucified

For We Can Trust God

His Miracles Observed

His Birth as Man In Time

Only Uneducated Spurn

So The Rapture May Come

Even Today The Deal

Giving Us Hope

In Insane World of Fear

One Also Purifies Himself

If He Believes – Imminent Event

The Blessed Hope Defined

A Multiple Metaphoric Scope

For The Rapture is Dynamic

Gives Us Comfort and Sanity

Gives Us Purity and Peace

Joy and Worship Ability

So Even Though Forgiven

As We Stand in Grace

Communion Can Be Broken

But Union Never Defaced

It’s Important to Know

To Know Why It’s Confirmed

To Know How It’s Provable

Salvation Can’t Be Earned

It Has To Be A Gift

The Greatest Bestowed

Just What All Need

Heaven To Earth Below

rKw Jr 06.05.21

Author Robert Kelly Jr

b 1965

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