Meet Jesus Here, There Or In The Air

corn fields under white clouds with blue sky during daytime
Photo by Pixabay on

Miracle Mystery Tour

The Church Flashing

A Moment Born

A Moment Dashing

Born As A Miracle

Still Is A Mystery

To Those So Blind

And Live In Misery

For It’s All About Joy

How Can You Not Be

For It Is Your Strength

The Joy of He

Spirit Given 

The Rebirth of Man

Heavenly Citizens 

The Good News Can

The Gospel Is Free

The Gospel Is A Message

Salvation Now Ready

The Mystery – A Blessing

Believe With Your Heart

You Will “Be Leaving

In A Flash – A Twinkle

The Rapture Speaking

Caught Up To Him

In The Clouds Above

Forever With Him

In Love, True Love

rKw Jr 05.05.21

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