Matter Over Mind

Matter Over Mind

Minds Rented

The World Emptied

Lusts Tempted

The World Readied

The Mind

The Battle

The Program

The Table

Messages Floated

Ignored Yet Seen

Plows The Soul

Sinister Seeds

Port – Left

Left – Sinister

Sinister – Evil

Evil – Demon

Demon – Devil

Devil – Satan




Now Staged

Message Received

We Get That

Show Me Clear

The Top Hat

Free From Destruction

Free From Hell

Free From Pain

It’s What He Sells

Heaven A Go

Invitation Here

Despite All 

Have No Fear

The Gospel Message

The One Clouded

The One Hidden

So Shrouded

The Shroud Spoke

The Man of Turin

The 3D Shout

Empirically Woven

The Word Alive

The Word Active

Going Forth

Getting Reaction

Accomplishing Rescue

A Mission Still

The Victory Astounding

Over Satan’s Grill

rKw Jr 014.11.22

Robert Kelly

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