Mary Has A Lion

Mary Has A Lion

Mary Had A Lamb

Little That He Was

The Lamb Became A Man

And Sacrifice Himself

Lord Almighty

Jesus Is Lord

It’s All In His Hand

Heaven, Earth, Love

He Is Love

The Creator Of Life

The Sustainer Also

Threading Our Times

His Will Is Done

Despite The Evil

He Is Showing

Who Is Greater

Goodness Conquers

Evil Defeated

Static Aside

All We Soon See Him

Every Knee Will Bow

Everyone Confess

Jesus Is God

Disregard The Rest

The Human Resurrection

Will Soon Be Acheieved

Glorified Bodies

All Will Receive

Depart From Him

If He Doesn’t Know

Today Is the Day

To Get Saved, Go!

rKw Jr 09.01.21

Robert Kelly

Christian Poet

b 1965

born again 1993

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