Love’s Champion

Love’s Champion
Copyright: vectorfusionart

The War On Love

We Are All Experts

Hiding Our Knowledge

Seeking The Reverbs

The Task Emerges

Fools Do Fall

Love Conquers Faith

Saved By His Call

Marriages Crumble

Love Has Debris

Carly Sang Clearly

For All To See

¿Porque? Today

Do We Find Hope?

Deserted And Starving

The Rope A Dope

The Ring

A Secret Match

Tug And Pull

Our Ultimate Contrast

Selfishness Here

Selflessness Near

Opposing Matrixes

Teflon Appears

Rise Above

Find A Greater Learning

The Purpose Together

Joyful Journey

Growth Essential

But Values Settled

Morality Anchored

Happiness Mettled

The Ring Entered

The Rings Bind

Vows Taken

The Life Sublime

Satan Undermines

His Forces Great

The War Rages

We Just Gravitate

Ring The Alarms

Our Defense The Desire

See Your Enemy

Destroys Wedded Fire 

Kindling To Ashes

His Time Is Short

Defeated Foe

His Future Cursed

The god of This Age

Blinding Us All

Those Who Are Perishing

From Adam’s Fall

Deceived And Deceiving

Our Calling Sure

A Duty Sold To Us

 We Never Saw Lure

rKw Jr 18.01.23

Robert Kelly b 1965

A Christian Poet

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