Love Connecting

Love Connecting
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

The Love Story

Me And Who?

God Is There 

He Is True

He Is Love 

God Is Near

We Are Missing

Him Everywhere

My Heart Empty

Fill It Up

With What I Find

On Earth’s Crust

Spirit Of Love

Spirit Of Truth

Nearby I Hear

The Gospel Loose

A Message Here

A Mistranslation There

Covering Up

Faith So Bare

All That’s Needed

Aw We Forget

The Gospel Belief

The Fishing Net

Twist And Contort

This Simplicity

Turn Around

And Say It’s Free

Free It Is!

And Easy So

Don’t Cloak A Dagger

In God’s Show

Don’t Make It Hard

Impossible To Love

God Did It All

Turns, Then Hugs

The Greatest Lover

The Greatest Rescue

Tragedy Hinging

Drama On View

Public Spectacle

Cross To Witness

Undeniably God

Resurrection Attests

Love Something Worthy

That Loves You Back

And Is Actually Love

As A Matter of Fact

rKw Jr 13.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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