Looking Ain’t Too Hard A Thing

Looking Ain’t Too Hard A Thing
Photo by cottonbro

We Crumble 

We Fall

We Stumble

We Stall

Life Here

We Open Door

Close It Fast

See No More

Hesitate To Learn

Afraid To Know

Is God Mad?

I Can Never Show

My Face Hides

My Heart Runs

Far Away

From The One

God Embraces

He Forgives

He Teaches

He Lives


All We Need

No Precondition

Or Supposition Please

Stated Plainly

200 Times

Believe, Be Saved

It’s No Crime

Salvation Free

Never A Work

Never Earned

Or Credited Perk

All Can Come

And Drink If Need

The Thirst Quenched

The Bible Plead

Get Saved Today

Cross Over Now

Instantaneous Eternal

The Ultimate Bow

All Forever

Cookie Cutter Not

Christians Are Created

Variety In Pot

Small, Big Or Medium

Smart Or Impaired

Life Is Imparted

By Faith Every Care

Care To Know God

To See Him Someday

To Know Jesus Rode

The Donkey To Pay

Pay For Our Sin

We Couldn’t Afford

Now We Can Live

Eternally Next Door

rKw Jr 09.06.21

Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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