Listening, Looking, Learning

Listening, Looking, Learning

Always Learning

A Thing To Admire

Teach One Another

Greatness Retires

Life Fades

The Lesson Stopped

Unless Passed On

The Losses Mount

All For A Purpose

A Trade Or Skill

We Should Teach

Everyone The Thrill

Earn A Living

Grow Your Life

Pile Up Memories

What A Delight

But The Journey Short

Can End Suddenly

No One Guarantee

Life’s Luxury

Even At Heights

The Road Fun

But What Good Now

That It’s All Done ?

More Is Needed

Satisfaction Elusive

The Lesson Taught

The Victory Conclusive

But Meaning Slips

Meaning Slides

Away It Goes

Out With The Tide

If You Don’t Know Truth

Don’t Acknowledge It So

What Good Is Winning

At The Life You Know ?

Is It All About Success

Cashing In For Stuff

Is There Something Else

We Should Think Of ?

God Is Shunned

God Is Forgotten

Yet God Stands

The Life Rotten

The Life Here

Is For A Reason

To Acknowledge God

Not For A Season

The Greatest Loss

The Greatest Waste

The Ultimate Tragedy

Is A Life With Haste

Take A Moment

See What You’re Missing

Remember Your Creator

Hear Him, Just Listen

Hear His Voice

Hear His Call

Hear His Word

The Love For All

Love The Truth

Love Him

Don’t Fall For Delusions

Coming Soon Again

A Powerful Delusion

Soon To Trick

Those Who Ignore

What He Did

So In Life’s Classroom

See It For Thyself

Get Saved Today

Rid Satan’s Revel

The Curse Satisfied

By God Himself

Sacrificed For You

His Love Top Shelf

rKw Jr 20.07.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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