Listening Like Crazy

Listening Like Crazy

Call Me Crazy

I’m A Christian

Fairy Tale To You

But Do You Listen?

Listen To The What

The Man Said

The Song Of Wings 

The Bible Read

The Words Settled

The Miracles Proven

The Resurrection Now

Our Hope Grooving

Life Is Liveable

It All Makes Sense

We Are Fallen

Subject To Death

Yet There’s A Hand

A Mighty Arm Holds

The Truth Marching

The Beauty Behold

He Meets Us Where

We Have Our Need

We Are Helpless

Sinners, Word and Deed

He Rescues Us Even

A Device Called Faith

The Agency of Grace

Welcomes Our State

He Makes It Doable

He Makes It Easy

We Believe In Him

The Rest Is Breezy

Though Life Is Hard

We Have Assurity

We Have Angels

Guarding Our Brevity

For Life Is Short

So Pray Hard

Then God Shows

A Fun Crazy Start !

rKw Jr 29.07.21

Robert Kelly Poet Born 1965 –

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