Liberty’s Bunker

Liberty’s Bunker

The Liberty Snatched

Hancock Snarls

Boston Riots

The Crown Charles

Custom House

Must Be Armed

Protected Always

Sound The Alarm

Off With Ears

George Channels

Charles Echoes

Colonies Stagger

Ban And Silence

The Vocal Voices

The Meetinghouse Fashions

Fanieul Hall Noises

Tar And Feather

Malcolm Procession

Through Streets

Gallows Concession

Curse The Governor

Custom Officer

Snow Sliegh

Jangled Predecessors

The Stamp Act Squashed

A Victorious Glimpse

Moral Boosted

What Will Be Next

Custom House Taxing

Ships At Docks

Tempers Rising

Watch The Clock

Troops Grouping

Protecting The Duties

Tea Party Later

But Now What’s Brewing

The Boston Massacre

Troops Saluted

Unwelcome Party

Clashed Ensuing

Tea Party Spills

Economic Threat

No Pun Intended

Flooded Market Wet

Cheap Tea Forced

Upon The Merchants

Anger At The Loss

Of Profits Uncertain

Warren The Leader

A Doctor By Trade

Military Hero

Told Revere That Day

Upon Bunker Hill

Trumbull Remembered

Died At Great Loss

The Army Disassembled

Washington Granted

The Command Thereof

Siege Commenced

Boston A Target Clubbed

Evacuation Day

With Haste Departing

Bunker Hill A Loss

But Boston Just Starting

Victory Came

But Struggle Ensued

Valley Forge The Delaware

To Be Continued

rKw Jr 09.04.22

Robert Kelly

Born 1965

A Christian Poet

born again


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