Legislating Mortality

close up of fox on grass
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Heaven On Earth

Is What We Desire

I Don’t Know Anyone

Who Wishes Life Expires

We Long For A Piece

We Long For A Quality

We Hope Governments

Will Bring Charity

All Have Struggled

Work Life Reckons

Money Compiled

Zeroed By Weekend

Savings Negligible

Some Do Admit

Government Alone

Is Only Friend

Yet Government Fails

It Can Never Provide

It Can Never Finance

Debt Bulges – Sides

The Dirty Secret

Is Governments Trick

Promise Everything

For A Vote Real Quick

Yet They Never Care

About Future Generations

Look For Power Grab

Pocket the Difference

Cash in Now

Time is Limited

Although Nowadays

Federal Stickin

But Locally Pols

Know They Are Setting

The Sun of Careers

Good for the Getting

Communist Socialist

They Say They Care

A Shadow of Power

Is Theirs Do Beware

Once Needs Are Met

The Goverment Discards

Millions Are Dead

Abortions Too Charted

Once Entrenched

Elite At Top

After Promising Heaven

Get Lost and Drop

Diadems on Disc

Of Snow They Fall

Bankrupt Again

The Chairman’s Gall

To Think That Heaven

Can Be Placed On Earth

Solving All Problems 

Selling the Dirt

For All The Things

These Government Sell

Ironically Heaven Ordered

The Curse Sends To Hell

We Can Never Ever

Have The Nirvana State

For The Fall of Man

Is The Great Earthquake

Free Education

College and Trade

Insurance Paid

All Things Shade

A Utopia of Lies

So Impossible To Count

Anything Anyhow

Clear Sinful Throat

For Revolutions

Kill to Power 

Denying God And Liberty

Yet Face An Hour

A Time Will Come

They Will All Collapse

Because God Rises 

Then Destroys Fast

The Government Finally

We Be On His Shoulders

Ruling From Jerusalem

The Justice Warrior

rKw Jr 19.05.21

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