Lee Oswald – The American Hero

Lee Oswald – The American Hero
Photo by Aaron Kittredge on Pexels.com

Lee – A Man And Patriot

Loved His Country Dearly

His Name Cursed – Shamed

By A Vortex of Evil At Dealey

The Land He Loved

He Served It Well

He Was A Pawn

Then Patsy – Go And Tell!

Never Shot Kennedy

Was Only Framed

Actually Saved Him Twice

Let That Come To His Name

An Agent And Spy

He Was Left In Russia

The New Administration

Deserted – Not The Other

Returning To The States

Lee Was Needed In NOLA

RFK Tapped Lee 

To Follow Marcella

He Grew Up In Nola

Considered One Of Them

Had Many Close Encounters

The Mafia Were His Friends

Lee – Perfect For The Job

Shaw, Ruby, and Others

Long Time Friend’s – Associates

Spent In The French Quarter

As A Secret Lab Courier

Cover At Riley’s Coffee 

Cancer – Fast To Find

Targeting Castro – Deadly

Took on Roles CIA Wanted

Staged A Fight – Got Arrested

Acting As Castro Supporter

Serving Country Clandestined

TV Baby But Something More

He Loved Spy Shows As A Kid

Quotes For Any Occasions

Scarlet Pumpernickel – Read

He Took On A Many Forms

As A Pumpernickel Might Pursue

All To Provide A Means To A Cause

Lay Down His Life For You

In A Sense He Was Christlike

He Was Willing to Give His Life

Now He Is DespisedHated

As Jesus Was That Night

He Learned Of Plots

To Assassinate Kennedy

Alerting The White House So Fast

Tampa – ChicagoFoiled By Lee

CIA Had A Mole

Decided To Test Lee 

To See If He Would Show

Dallas Aborted – Allowed Kennedy

Lee Sensed He Was Being Groomed

For Something Possibly Nefarious

He Even Saw Himself A Patsy

But Went Along Nevertheless

There Was Very Little He Could Do

As He Went To Mexico

Following Instructions To The Core

To Eliminate Castro

He Never Met His Contact

The Weather Was To Blame

But To Lee It Confirmed

He Was In A Bad Game

Lee Was Tricked

And Much To His Horror

He Was Now The Pawn

As Well As The Patsy Borrowed

He Lived His Dream

He Served His Country

It Betrayed Him Badly

Slandered Him Ugly

His Name Should Be Cleared

He Did Nothing Wrong

Lee Harvey Oswald

A Great Man So Long

In Heaven We May Meet

God Has Mercy 

Did Lee Believe?

God, We Trusted He

A Deathbed Conversion

Also Possible

As He Laid Dying 

Ambulance or Hospital

I Pray He Did

Calling Out To Jesus

If He Wasn’t 

Already A Believer

My Thinking Finished

I Had To Write 

About Lee His Fate

With God – The Eternal Life

It Is Mine To Avenge

Sayeth The Lord

Evil Will Pay

For It’s Purge

Hell Is Reserved

For Those Depraved

Who Would Blame Lee

For Killing JFK

The Darkest Regions 

The Worst Torments

For A Temporary Thrust

Of Power For Doormats

The JFK Death

Gave Many Life

To Continue To Thrive

Doing Evil In Time

Johnson Gained the Office

But Would Have Been Cuffed

The Treatment” Duly Given

Behind Bars – The Right Stuff

The CIA Expanded

Their Careers Augmented

Budgets Increased

Shananigans Unsuspended

The Business Interests Grew

Vietnam – Field of Dreams

All At The Expenses

Of JFK – Of Youth – Of Sireens

The Government Imposed

Lockdowns On Freedoms

Peoples Individuality Waned

And Divisiveness Gathered

Hate Became the Wedge

Divided Many Groups

All Because of Love

So Given the Boot

Civil Rights – Equal Rights

Appeasing Boosts Of Lore

Just To Keep People Blinded 

And Not To Mind The Store

Johnson Boasted of Blacks

He’d Keep Them Dependent

They’d Be Voting Democrat

Forever And Like It

A Mission To Moon Needed

It Had To Be A Success

To Restore Faith In – Now

The Rotten Government

Kubrick To Make It Look Good

Astronauts Told To Go Right Along

Man’s Greatest Step Became

The Greatest Lie – No Armstrong

But There Is Hope

There Is A Lesson Learned

For What Man Meant For Evil

God Turns To Good – Burned

Do We Have To Obey

A Government So Evil ?

The Bible Says No

To Do So Is To Rebel

Paying People Off 

A Long Time Tradition

Now We Are Being Paid

To Keep Silent During Sedition

The Money is Printed Fast

The Bankruptcy Inevitable

The Economy Sinking

The Civil War Credible

Lee Was An Agent

Solid CIA

But Government Badly Needed

To Blame One Man That Day

To Close The Case Fast

And Make it Easy To Cover Up

Hoover Needed A Goat

To Blind The World Enough

History Before Has Given

This Sleight of Hand Example

So As Brilliant As This Cover Up

Just Copying Another Man’s Plan

rKw Jr 23.04.21

Robert Kelly Circa 2015
Robert Kelly Poet b 1965

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