King At Hand

King At Hand

Deal A Few

The Poker’s Hope

The Cards Come

To Draw or Bluff

Ace In Whole

Bet To See

How Good My Hand

Against Other Parties

Folding Cards

The Best Bet

When Action Strong

Weakness Set

Gambling Or Skill

Both Are Shown

Tells And Stunts

Chips Flown

We Take Chances

We Manage Risk

Skill To Finagle

A Pot So Brisk

Risk It All

What’s To Lose?

Pascal’s Wager

Considered For You

Believe In Faith

Get Off The Bubble

The Final Table

Winner’s Circle

In Jesus Hand

We Cannot Be Taken

In The Father’s Hand

Not Forsaken

The Weak Handed 

Find Due Strength

The Ace In The Hole

A King Half Naked

rKw Jr 16.10.21

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