Just Read It!

Just Read It!

Timeless Evaporation

The Heavenly Gift

Beyond Space, Time

We Will Live

Glorified Bodies

Just Like His

Risen From The Ashes

The Dust’s Twin

No Decay

No Rot

No Anxiety

Not Too Hot

Heat Regulated

Temperature Steady

The Light From Him

Always Ready

The Street’s Gold

The Gate’s Pearl

The Blessed Life

Always Heard

The Word Of God

Echoes On

Each Generation

Reaches For One

The Grand Ole’ Bible

The Best Seller Sells

Everyday Registering

Souls Into Heaven, Hell

The Message Easy

The Burden Light

The Yoke Soft

Freedom In Sight

Heaven Is Special

Reservation For Two

You And Jesus

A Table With A View

Looking Through History

Seeing Ages Ahead

Ruling And Reigning

Serving Him Who Bled

He Paid With His Life

He Endured The Cross

He Gave For His Wife

Every Last Drop

Sufficient To Save

Purchased Ticket

To Claim By Heart

Pardon’s Remission

The Ocean Of Grace

Mercy Of The Waves

Heaven Restores –

Out Of The Grave

rKw Jr 27.09.21

Robert Kelly b 1965

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